Books get old but their characters never do. So do we as readers, during the moments spent with a book, we become timeless like its heroes and the stories it contains. This year we found the inspiration for the promotion of the fair of used book Booktiga in Poreč, in its Care Home for the elderly and disabled, by launching a project that will allow its residents, although impaired, to be transported to many trips and adventures. They may choose to become again a Little prince, a Juliet in love or maybe a sometimes silly, but in fact very lucid Don Quijote. And all that thanks to a book!

Booktiga posters are just an introduction to a much broader topic such as ‘Happy stories’, starting actually during the fair. Given that for many Care Home residents reading might be an effort, the concept aims to have volunteers and public figures regularly visiting and reading in the Care Homes of the region Istria, under the supervision of the city libraries, which will help the residents to have a quality stay. This action includes as well common talks, socializing and reflection about the read topic.

The project will be presented on 21st April 2016 in the Care Home for elderly and disabled in Poreč. On that occasion the writer Mladen Kušec will read first, giving thus the example to many volunteers and public figures and invite them to continue this activity in order to make it become a permanent practice.