The International Institute for Information Design in Vienna (IIID) has announced this year’s winners of the IIID Award. Our Piquentum Sv. Vital 2014 is among them. It was awarded silver in the category Products and Services. The awards are chosen by an international jury and they are given in 19 categories focused on specific topics and areas of information design.

The International Institute for Information Design IIID was founded in 1986 with the aim of promoting, developing and recognizing good practices in information design in the widest sense of the word. It has become one of the most influential actors in the field over the past 30 years. The awards, IIID Awards, have been given since 2011 every three years. The award-winning works are published in a special publication and included in an international exhibition that travels around the world for the following two years:

design-labs IIIDspace / April, 2017

VisionPlus / October 26-27

Dornbirn & Innsbruck 2017

June 2017

Neufert-Box / October 2017

stadt-land-schluss / Oct 2017

Menqqi Town / 2018

JSDA 2018

Danube University / Springtime 2018

Taiwan Design Center/ Summer 2018

Sydney / Australia
Zagreb / Croatia
UC-Davis / USA
Mexiko / 2018 World Design Capital

Congratulations to the colleagues Kazinoti/Komenda/Klarić, who also received the Editors’ Choice award from the Institute for their design of signposts for the fortress of St. Mihovil in Sibenik.

Photo credit: IIID, Sobol Hannah