A monograph entitled Artistic heritage of Istrian churches – Sculpture from the 14th till the 18th century, is the second in a series of editions about the artistic heritage on the territory of Poreč-Pula diocese. The first book from the series regarding sculpture from the 4th till the 13th century was published in 2014. Authors are Prof.Predrag Marković, Ph.D (Gothic sculpture 14th-15th century), Prof. Ivan Matejčić , Ph.D. (Renaissance sculpture) and Asst. Prof. Damir Tulić, Ph.D. (Baroque sculpture). The substantial edition is made of 402 pages comprising a catalogue showing 127 sculptures/sculptural compositions, illustrated through 330 photos made by Ivo Puniš. Studio Sonda signs its concept and layout.
Since the Artistic heritage of Istrian churches is planned to be processed in a series of seven editions, the third book is just being prepared and entitled: Painting from the 5th till the15th century.