10.03.2017 Advertising, Art, Branding, News, Print / Publications, Visual identity
To Pula’s Arena for 100% of emotions
Pula’s Arena is the biggest cinema under the stars in Croatia and, as such, the experience of watching a movie in it is more impressive. Moreover, the movies that are watched on a widescreen put over more intense emotions, as they are shared among a large audience.
Each advertising surface in the campaign is used as a tool that conveys the idea of how many times this surface has to be imagined bigger, in order to grasp the real size of the Arena’s movie screen – a movie screen sized 19,10×8,90, in front of which 5000 people share their emotions. Each advertising area conveys just a fragment of a picture, while in order to experience 100 percent of it, and 100 percent of emotions, you are invited to the Arena from 15th to 22nd July 2017.