Communication Arts, the globally spread magazine covering topics from visual communications, included Piquentum St.Vital 2014 among the winners of the 57th Annual Design Competition.

During the competition creative professionals rewarded 161 works among 4,228 entries from all across the globe. Each of them was published in the CA Magazine’s Sept/Oct 2016 edition and distributed to 34,000 addresses around the world. This means that our message about the importance of understanding nature which we decided to communicate through a wine label, is being seen by a really significant number of people.

Jury members: Billy Chen, principal/design director, Studio sc, Seattle, WA / Sally Morrow, creative director, Sally Morrow Creative, Portland, OR / Larry Pipitone, co-founder/partner, GrandArmy, New York, NY / Jennifer Sonderby, design director, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA / John Swieter, founder/design director, Range, Dallas, TX + executive director CA magazine, Jean Coyne.

Read more about the award-winning work Piquentum St.Vital  2014. here.